Men don’t know how to wear a suit correctly – these are the most common faux pas

The fine art of suit etiquette is dying off among modern men - with many blissfully unaware of simple rules such as how long their tie should be, according to a study.

Researchers found that four in 10 men regularly commit a workwear faux pas, such as wearing a belt with braces and mismatching tie and suit colours.

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The number one mistake is to fasten the bottom button on a blazer, when style says it should always be left undone.

Other rules are less obvious and little-known - such as the width of the tie should match the width of the lapel.

And when it comes to the question of tie length, many men are unaware that the tip should just about cover the belt buckle but go no further.

Not wearing a light pocket square with a dark suit and removing the stitching are other common subtle mistakes men have made when dressing to impress.

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The finer details of formal dresswear

The study was commissioned by Suit Direct, which has issued a new guide in a bid to preserve the finer details of formal dresswear.

Top stylist Benedict Browne has teamed-up with Suit Direct, he said: “Before putting a suit on, there are many things that we need to consider.

“While many of the rules to wearing a suit might be subtle, they can really play a big part in bringing the whole look together.

“Unfortunately, wearing a suit isn’t as simple as throwing on a three-piece, but by considering the right elements, you will always look the part.”

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