What's the point, Neville?

'˜Neville' Cameron's insistence that settlement terms defining a new deal for Britain in the EU must be immediately legally watertight and irreversible has suffered a major setback after the president of the European parliament said he could not guarantee that.

As suspected Cameron will renegotiate absolutely nothing.

When he met Martin Schulz, another German in charge and head of the EU parliament, Schulz said: “I can’t give a guarantee for the future of any legislation.”

He also said: “No government can go to a parliament and say: “Here is our proposal, can you guarantee a result ?”

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Cameron sought guarantees that the parliament would NOT seek to unravel draft settlement terms being negotiated at a crucial EU summit on Thursday but he did NOT get one guarantee.

Downing Street’s rush to the parliament reflected concerns that the chamber could be a loose cannon in the delicate renegotiations since changes in EU law to accommodate key UK demands on welfare curbs for EU immigrants will need to go through the parliament. NO guarantees?

What’s the point in continuing to try and fool us into giving you our ‘yes’ vote then ‘Neville’?

Terry Palmer

by email

Tipped over the edge

Surely it cannot just be me who is fed up to the back teeth of having to put up with the puerile, insulting and politically motivated views every night in the ‘Terry Palmer column’ which masquerades as The Star Letters page.

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Almost every night I am tempted to respond, in writing, to his drivel but his letter recently about the UK pensioners’ contribution to the BBC licence fee was the one that tipped me over the edge.

An OECD study (as recently as 2012) did indeed show the UK below average when comparing each country’s basic state pension to relative national average wage but that well-known paragon of economic prudence, Greece, was at the top of the list, closely followed by Spain, Italy and Portugal.

I don’t think we need reminding what state those economies are in now.

Have you been to northern Portugal recently and seen the shocking disparity between the well-off and the mainly aged generations?

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In one European country the local police chief caused outrage last July, when he revealed that in his city and many others in his country, there has been a massive increase in senior citizens being caught shoplifting for basic foodstuff simply to alleviate hunger as they were so desperately short of money. That country, by the way, is Germany.

My wife and I have many friends in Germany, including a widow whose basic pension may, at first sight, seem generous but when you consider that there is no entitlement to free local travel, no free prescriptions – (indeed, medical insurance still has to be paid for out of her pension), no housing benefit, no free TV licence for over 75s and not even off-peak ‘senior’ cinema tickets, Messrs Palmer and Clarke might like to rethink who is actually better rewarded.

A Smith

by email

Oh what

a circus

I can assure you Pat that even though the Moscow State Circus was a brilliant and entertaining show even they knew they couldn’t compete with the Owls revolution, which is why it was staged during the period while Wednesday were away.

Incidentally I notice they have decided to get in on the act at Bramall Lane and are staging their own circus.

However, this time it will on the pitch in June.

I wonder how many will notice the difference.