People in glass houses

Bus seatingBus seating
Bus seating
Oh what a rant by Ms Fletcher in the Star, November 15. It appears that anyone of a certain age is an ignorant pensioner because she puts her pram on the bus.

She accuses those people of being judgemental, not being polite, and she blames them for everything it seems including wanting to send Muslims home. What that last point has to do with her pram is beyond me.

I suggest Ms Fletcher gets on a bus on Ecclesall Road around 3.15pm with a bus load of white, black and Asian kids effing and blinding, running about, arguing and scrapping, all the way to town. I can say that without suggesting it’s all of the kids, rather than blaming everyone of that age, as she does.

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Ms Fletcher talks about buses lurching and her child being at risk. I would suggest a baby in a pram is probably safer than a disabled person using a stick, but she does not mention anywhere about how she stands up to let them sit down, or how she gets off the bus to let a disabled person in a wheelchair get on instead of being left behind.

She thinks there is enough room on the rack on the bus for people to put their walking frames on it. If she had a pushchair she could put that down and place it on the same rack. To be fair it’s anyone’s guess why the luggage rack has become a newspaper outlet!

She claims she’s got a disability, but you can’t see it, and needs to sit down. A year ago I was fit and agile and then I got ill. Today, I look as fit as a fiddle but am prone to muscle spasms in my neck, arms shoulders back and legs, and I fall over. It’s nothing to do with my age. How does she know that those standing while she is sitting, don’t have unseen illnesses too?

She says old people shouldn’t be judgmental, but isn’t she being judgmental when she calls millions of older people “an ignorant generation”?

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She says some people buy fold down prams and can put them on the rack. Why doesn’t she buy one then?

She doesn’t mention also, the number of young mums who put their pram on the bus and never look at it throughout their journey because they have stuck their face in a phone and are oblivious to the passengers trying to get past them.

She could point out the generation, around her age, who are blighting our schools on Shiregreen by illegally parking on double and single yellow lines and yet are getting away with it.

Anyone ever seen a sign on a bus that tells you how many children you have to have in a pram before you can get on the bus?

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If Ms Fletcher has a problem with wheeled shopping bags, can the older people, or those with disabilities you cannot see, buy a cheap pram, sling five bags of groceries into the pram, and then board a bus? That would be interesting wouldn’t it?

Last week I got on a bus and a woman got on with a pram that from the front to the handle must have been four feet long. Attached to the rear axle was a tray with wheels on that stuck out past the end of the handle On the tray was a seat with a child sitting on it, the whole thing looked about five feet long in total. It took up all the length of one of the bays at the front and wasted three seats.

On the return journey two women, both with a pram, got on my bus and both took up a bay on either side. Can I just point out that a pushchair, as shown on stickers on some Stagecoach buses, means just that. The secret’s in the words, push and chair. That’s an upright chair position that you push, it’s not a 300 quid monster with a tray or maybe two underneath, a rigid tubular frame that could crack a rib and piles of shopping hanging off the handle and out into the aisle. Not helpful for people with mobility problems trying to get past them, while negotiating the latest trend of people getting onto the buses and standing just behind the driver’s cabin and in front of the disabled bays. Super fit footballer, Ronaldo, could break his leg trying to climb over feet and legs and bags as well as negotiating pram handles.

It’s time the bus companies defined what a pram is, and its size, and also stopped people standing at the front of the bus, before someone gets hurt.

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Bus companies, and their drivers must have a Health and Safety responsibility to ALL their passengers, and if I, my wife or my family stumble over a pram wheel in the aisle, a pram handle, shopping bags or feet on the blocked platform of the bus, then I will sue them.

It’s a pity more people don’t do that, maybe the bus companies would then sort out this problem. They are responsible if you have an accident because you cannot move freely and safely on their vehicle.

One day Ms Fletcher will be of a certain age, and may be on a bus with her grandchildren, surrounded by prams being pushed by the foul-mouthed kids currently on Ecclesall Road buses who have then grown up into foul-mouthed parents. Then she will know what its like.

If she wants to call people a generation of ignorant pensioners, then she wants to look around at the some of the younger people today.

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Ms Fletcher, people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, and that includes you.

Mr C


Let’s think of others

Priority on buses, wheelchairs or prams? I just witnessed a headlock with this hot potato.

A lady in wheelchair space is a neighbour. She’s got MS and is now wheelchair bound, so being able to get on the bus and get around is a Godsend to her.

Today a young girl got on and tried to get the buggy in the space next to the wheelchair,but it wasn’t having it.

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The girl’s mother shouts: “Move up, why don’t you stop being selfish. What gives you the right to just sit there and not move?”

The lady thought we were on her side as she was shouting: “I am right, my grandaughter has as much right to be in the pram space.”

The driver said nothing, to be honest I don’t blame him, she looked very handy with a right hook.

I decided that I’d better disturb him then put pram down.

There was five minutes of huffing and puffing until the buggy was down.

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I know it’s a faff to take it down, been there done that, but let’s look at the bigger picture, yes you were annoyed but you are not confined to a wheelchair.

Let’s try to think of others ‘feelings sometimes, why is it some people think they have a sense of entitlement?

Jayne Grayson

by email

Good home for fish

I am an old age pensioner with a couple of fish ponds containing approximately 18 mature fish, which are mainly golden orfe, with some ghost koi and koi.

I am no longer able to look after them due to illness. I know they are only fish but they have given my wife and me a great deal of pleasure and I am looking for someone who would give them a good home.

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If you are able to help, please ring Les Bates on 0114 2467800.

Les Bates

Chapeltown, Sheffield

Foiled bid

Police have issued a statement that they have foiled an attempted coo by the Moor Pigeons. This will ruffle a few feathers.

Green Giant

by email

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