LETTERS: Booking fees - when is a child not a child?

Ice skatingIce skating
Ice skating
Today my daughter, 14, and her friend travelled to Meadowhall, (accompanied by my wife), with the intention of going on the ice rink there.

She had read on line that the cost for a child on a weekend was £6.50. She didn’t read the FAQs or anything else on the website.

On arrival she was asked her age and she replied. She was then told it would cost her £8.50 plus a 75p booking fee.

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Leisure companies feel justified in elevating children over 12 to adults so they can charge more. They are children who do not earn money so it is a tax on parents.

I am sure the people at the desk are being paid to be there so why is there a booking fee? The staff are being paid to serve yet as soon as someone wants to pay they are charged extra for the privilege.

I realise this is now the norm without justification. They get away with it because too many people pay it.

The result of this was that my daughter and her friend decided this was a rip-off and I am proud they walked away.

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When she told me this I was disappointed for her but understood that £9.25 (£13.88 per hour) was just too much.

Having looked at the website I saw that the charge to my daughter should have been £7.25 with the booking fee.

It states on the website that children and students qualify for the £6.50 rate.

It is a legal requirement in this country that all children attend school until they are 16, 18 if they have no job or apprenticeship.

Taking this into account all children up to the age of 16 are students because they are still at school.

Any parent who has spaid the higher rate should demand a £2 refund.

Mr Cook


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